Support a No-Birth Nation Until Shelters Clear Out

I know that this petition sounds very radical and never going to happen but these signatures can make it happen and let me tell you why I support a no-birth nation.  Every year, 6-8 million unwanted cats and dogs end up in shelters-appoximately half of them must be euthanized because of one simple fact:  There are too many animals and not enough good homes.  Every time someone buys a cat or dog from a breeder or pet store instead of adopting a homeless animal from an animal shelter, a shelter animal loses it chance at finding a home.  And since its virtually unheard of for breeders or pet stores to require that the animals they sell be sterilized, many will have litters of their own, creating even more unwanted animals.  Supporting a no-birth nation is simple.  Spay and neuter all your pets as early as possible.  Spaying one female dog can prevent 67,000 births in six years.  Animals who are spayed and neutered also have shown to live healthier and longer lives and are less likely to roam, fight, or bite.  Please sign this petition for a movement to stop animal homelessness.
We the under signed are asking you to make laws that will make us a no-birth nation of animals until we clear out all the animal shelters.  Every year, 6 to 8 million unwanted cats and dogs end up in shelters and half of them are euthanasia simply because there are not enough homes.  So we should give those animal who are already born a shot of having a loving home and prevent more animals from being born that will just eventually become homeless.  I appreciate your time and attention to this letter and look forward to some action being taken.
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