Demand Return of Beloved K-9 Nala to Her Rightful Owner Trooper Chris

My name is Gabby, and I live in Iowa, US. Though I have no relation to Mr. Garcia, I do strongly desire to help reunite him with his dog. So I decided to take some action... because I finally felt like I could try to make a difference.

I came across a recent article that broke my heart to read. A highway patrolman in Nevada has been wronged by his department (in my opinion) after his K-9 partner was taken away from him. He was not offered the option to adopt her at all. The circumstances surrounding this are seemingly quite unfair for both young Nala who has been with Chris for 2 of her 4 years of life. He's the first handler she's ever had so the bond they share is undeniably special. The whole family is attached to her. Following a report by Chris to his department for a non aggressive nipping incident with Nala… something he didn't think may be escalated due to its seemingly insignificant nature…he made the report in obvious good faith as per protocol. He's been with the department for 8 years. To his shock and dismay… Nala was relieved of her duties from the department and abruptly taken from Chris to be sent to a training facility for adoption despite Chris's pleas to allow him to adopt her. Something that turned both their worlds upside down. Devastated and desperate for his best friend's return… Chris contacted the facility, spoke to the director, begged for the opportunity to adopt Nala and to his utter relief.. was granted this with no problem and assured he would get his K9 companion back as soon as the paperwork was done. However a short while later an unexpected return phone call from that director revealed the unfortunate news that the director was not able to grant this request after all because the dog is property of the state… despite the fact that in the past K-9 handlers have always been given the option to adopt their partners at the end of their service. It's my hope to petition enough signatures to convince the state of Nevada to allow Nala to return to her rightful home where she is very loved and could live a long and happy life with her family. She's a living being with deep feelings and is just as devastated and lost without her partner as Chris is without his k9.

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