We Demand our houses fixed correctly! If our Landlord Joe Brown Demands rent every month

    Spring branch Estastes refuses to properly fix homes in the park, Our community has over half of the population in need of various repair ranging from health hazards in having black mold, leaking roofs, floors falling through, electrical issues major to minor, the list keeps growing and most of these problems are in all of these homes. We are all forced to pay extreme amounts of money every month without anything ever getting repair. We never hear from the landlord on any occasion except for when the rent is due.
    The solution I offer is rallying as many victims to come fourth of this issue with the rest of us so we can show Louisiana Health Board how we are forced to live and deserve the right for renovations or for the homes to be inspected and rated at the correct value, so we dont have to live in these terrible arrangements at such Costly Prices.
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