Demand for Justice - Death of 4 puppies by Drunkards on streets

    The society has lost it's humanity It is completely Inhumane! Mother dog sobs as puppies beheaded by drunkards in Hyderabad's Hussaini Alam area on 6th August 2018. It is shameful to see what degree humans can slide down to when these kind of incidents come to light. These kind of crimes rather become just a file in the shelves of the Police records. Instead it's our moral duty to make sure these animals live safely among the streets. These kind of crimes are truly heartbreaking and pathetic to see what humans have become these days. It's time to change for all of us and make sure that whoever had committed this henious act gets the punishment and is behind the bars .
    Everyone, please help me out in supporting this petition and as soon as we hit a certain target, we will make sure that justice is served to the mother whose kid's life were stolen by some monsters .
    (Above the link is shared for the proof ).
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