Ban and stop the killing of stray dogs in Bosnia and Hercegovina

It's important to stand up united for the stray dogs in Bosnia and Hercegovina and especially for the stray and homeless dogs in Tuzla, we are tirelessly fighting for!

Please sign this and support NIRINA and "Marianne's Dog Food Bank" with supporters from all over the world!

Dear Sirs,

We, the signers, demand the protection of your stray dogs – please treat them with compassion and kindness and not with hatred and disgust.

They are victims too.

They have not asked for being born and abandoned in the streets to fend themselves, sick, injured, without a home, without food, being hated by humans, tortured, chased and killed.

They are victims of irresponsible owners who do not take care of their pets mating and reproducing, but abandoning them.

The budget you most likely are going to spend in killing these innocent animals would be better invested into spay-neuter-release programs or in improving your EXISTING shelters, where dogs still starve, sick and untreated, forgotten and forsaken what is a bloody shame!

It is inhumane to catch these dogs and kill them most likely in most barbaric ways. It is medievally and dumb trying to solve a problem by extinguishing the outcome but not the root! Your problem is never going to be solved if not the people are being held responsible for their ownership, and abandoning and killing a pet animal is being punished. We address to all the ones in your government who still have a heart for animals to please ban and stop this senseless killing and do something humane instead.

We, the signers, ask especially for protection of the street dogs of Tuzla! We support the work of NIRINA, your animal welfare association, both financially and substantially. The dog shelter on your landfill is a safe room for the street dogs of Tuzla. You already have the opportunity to do something really great and shine a light in Bosnia and Hercegovina, don’t let the dark ages come over your city!! Please support the people who try to make a change in your city and help your street dogs instead of killing them.

Please stop the killing of the homeless dogs in Bosnia and Hercegovina, ban the killing in your city!


NIRINA, „Marianne’s Dog Food Bank“, and supporters of both.

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