• af: Douglas Whitmore
  • mottagare: Secretary of State for the State of North Dakota; North Dakota Registered Voters


1) NORTH DAKOTA Registered Voters, the undersigned, call for the creation and implementation of an Open Ballot / Election Voting Process (inclusive of remaining processes; Primary and/or Caucus and General Election processes, allowing for the evolution, dismissal and betterment of the aforementioned processes), in the State of NORTH DAKOTA, providing all NORTH DAKOTA Registered Voters the capability to vote once (One Person, One Vote) in each presented ballot election process, to said Voter with appropriate designation agreed upon by Open Ballot / Election Process implementers & each Voter. Voters do not have to be members of a party in order to vote.

2) NORTH DAKOTA Voter Registration is to be automatic at 18 yrs. of age, based on information of record for each individual, State citizen, without any restriction(s) (i.e., criminal record; gender; race; level of education, etc.) as they are born or naturalized in the United States. Requiring notification to said, new voter, individual.

3) NORTH DAKOTA Registered Voters, the undersigned, call for reformation of [Political Party, and all other, organization selection] processes for nomination and election of candidates, to be intent with being representative of their targeted constituents, at any level of government in the State of NORTH DAKOTA, that demonstrates restrictiveness and/or lack of transparency by i.e., overly-complicated systems and/or processes not clearly understood, accessible and well-understood and known by, at least, 90% of registered involved voters. (Inclusive of Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, Judicial Branch and Local Branch(s) i.e., County (aka Borough, Parish) & Municipal (those defined as cities, towns, boroughs (except in ex: Alaska), villages, and townships. It is the responsibility of ‘party organizations’ to be fully accountable, honest and truthful to the entire, inclusive populace associated with any given ballot / election.

4) All NORTH DAKOTA Elections, going forward, are compulsory for NORTH DAKOTA Registered Voters to conduct their voting privilege. The North Dakota Voter’s Alternative is to pay a $25 “I-choose-not-to-vote” fee, not exceeding one fee charge per year and only for years’ when voting elections, for government representative, processes are being conducted. This collected $25 Fee is solely to be contributed towards the expense(s) of the current ballot / election being conducted.

5) NORTH DAKOTA Registered Voters, the undersigned, call for elected government representatives, in an avowed non-partisan and guaranteeing no special interest or outside influenced manner; to oversee implementation of official election processes, i.e. Secretary of State, inclusive of Federal and State governments, per the perspective of the citizenry electorate and for the greater good of all. This must include cheque & balances, i.e., Exit Polling; providing transparent actions taken in conjunction with each Open Ballot / Election process.

6) All NORTH DAKOTA Election processes, electronic-based or otherwise, are required to be tested for accuracy, repaired and continually upgraded, updated with intent to assure security and protection of each individual NORTH DAKOTA Registered Voter’s vote, by rotating, non-partisan professionals, vetted as appropriate to the task, prior to 90 days before each Open Ballot / Election process.

A/N: Douglas Whitmore Omaha, NE 68122


@DNCPhilly, we were approached by all kinds of people, including several delegates. Not something we expected. We've asked them ALL the same question, “Why Do We Need a Party"? The reactions have been more than interesting. A few have chuckled & said "I don't know." Others have hemmed & hawed & not even come up with a BS 'party line' answer! One Minnesota Delegate tried to really dig deep in his mind & out spewed some party-centric, "cause I want to be a delegate" & every-day people aren't smart enough to inform themselves ~ crap. The majority have been very cool & realized they've NEVER ASKED THEMSELVES that question! Even some saying, they've not thought about it!?!?! How many of us have asked ourselves that same question???? The only answer is, the party system has been forced on #WeThePeople & manipulated to indoctrinate the general populace, all the while, purposely complicating the 'process' to cause the majority of voters to NOT want to think about government except, too often begrudgingly, during our antiquated nomination & election process! It has become even more obvious, that 'party system & processes' are tools controlling us & our government leaving #USnotThem truly out of the equation, yet wanting us to believe we are involved! #NoPartiesNeeded (because no one can explain with positivity & beyond theory, why they are) #OnePersonOneVote (because #WeThePeople have access to info & tech to do so & a lot of us have this election cycle, sometimes not even realizing we have/are) And now additional advances are evolving to support us in individual decision making: i.e., (and more to come!) Part of the Political Revolution, sooner or later, will include the dissolution of the antiquated 'party system' & their archaic 'rules' & processes, as we have more than enough access to information, through technological innovation, to discern truth & vote as true individuals, without dependency on “group-think”! 

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