Theme park use dolphins as entertainment. Through the eyes of these owners, dolphins are seen as dollar signs when they perform in shows. For example, SeaWorld is one of the biggest theme parks that is known for their shows with the animals. SeaWorld has a "Dolphin Days" which is a show where these animals perform, obeying the trainer's commands to win some food as a reward. As matter of fact, these theme parks give visitors the options to interact with dolphins by swimming with them and by also touching or feeding them. However, the visitor has to pay a fee that can go from $190 to $215 per person making the SeaWorld investors wealthy. Therefore, let's take an action, lets save dolphins life by stopping the dolphin captivity and the massacre. We rather see these animals in their natural environment—Oceans.
In addition, there is a dark history behind this kind of park that the majority of the population/visitors are not aware of. People visit the parks, leaving the park happy seeing dolphins perform without knowing why they do certain activities. Rich O'Barry, founder and director of Dolphin Project, has worked with dolphin and protested for dolphins to stop the dolphin captivity and massacre. He is also the star of the documentary "The Cove". With this in mind, dolphins are in a limited space which lead them to aggression and frustration. Indeed, dolphins "often bear scars or rake marks, evidence of a clash with a tank mate… Many captive dolphins are regularly treated with ulcer medication or antidepressant medication to alleviate the frustration of captivity... dolphins are kept hungry enough so that they will comply with instructions from trainers" (Barry, 2019).
There are also trainers who have been hurt by a dolphin's frustrated reaction due to the fact that dolphins need to be in their own environment and not in a small tank. Dolphins should be let free into their own environment. There is research that has proven that dolphins are in terrible conditions; therefore, they should be let free: No more captivity as well as no more massacres.
Furthermore, letting captivate dolphins free cannot be release just like that, because dolphins become tempting to killers/hunter. These massacres can not only be found just in one location but in several parts of the world. Rachel Bale a journalist, and an editor of National Geographic confer Wildlife Watch in which "twenty dolphins were slaughter on Friday in the southwestern Japan town of Taiji". Dolphins are very significant in the eco-system so there has to be a stop so that these animals do not become extinct. According to the World Wildlife Fund, stated that, "Dolphins play an important role in keeping their environment in balance. They eat other animals – mainly fish and squid – and are themselves a source of food for some sharks and other creatures". As mentioned above, there needs to be a stop in the slaughter of dolphins. This has been an on-going situation that has not being much improvement since we are still seeing slaughter within countries.
In the same way, " an ocean conservation organization founded in 2000 by Hardy Jones and Ted Danson" main goal is to protect as many dolphins as possible globally. Hardy Jones is a former journalist with CBS News and the founder of who advocates to protect marine mammals. Jones also does documentaries. Besides, there are people and organizations trying to help these animals.
Moreover, the documentary "The Cove" is another source to prove that there are actions to take into consideration to stop animal captivity and the massacre leaving these poor animals bleeding to death or killed for fun. The Dolphin Project is another resource that we as a community can enlighten with the different ways to help save a dolphin life as well as resolved the massacre and captivity.
Equally important, there are many ways that the community has enjoy the movement by starting at their own houses. For example, starting off by signing petitions, pledging to not buy a ticket to attend a show, buy merchandise or items that funds goes to the cause, protecting the environment by not buying toxic chemicals, recycling, adopting a dolphin, verifying that the seafood you consume is good for you, use less plastic items, support credible organizations, and also stay informed. These are smalls steps that are taken into action. However, we need the help of Representative Pelosi so that we see faster changes when solving the affairs with dolphins.
Overall, dolphins are very important in our daily life and they are also important in the supply chain. With your help we can change things drastically before it is too late. You should keep in mind that the extinct of one animal can lead to next one causing other animals to be extinct, too. Dolphins cannot be release right away but they can be put in a sanctuary where they can be a custom to wild life behaviors and have a possibility of release. In brief, sanctuaries will be an excellent source for dolphins as well as proving protection to stop the slaughter.

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