Stop Canada's Cruel ,Evil Seal Hunting.

  • af: Foxhound Music.Ent
  • mottagare: Loyola Hearn And Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada.
This Inhumane ,Non-Understandable Cull Is Absouletly Cruel ,Over Money They Are Killing These Beautiful Animal's. The Canadian Government Is Supporting This Hunt And The Rate Of The Seal Population Is Lowering Down ,However ,We Need To End This As Soon As Possible Before It's To Late.

Here's an example of how this cruel hunt works, As Reported In Rebecca Aldworth's Journal.

As we passed one large red vessel, we saw sealers jump off the side onto the ice. They ran towards a single live seal pup, hakapiks in hand.

The pup, sensing danger, tried desperately to crawl towards the edge of the water. But the two men bearing down on her were faster. One sealer struck her on the side, then twice again on the head. He grabbed her hind flippers and pulled her back across the ice, stopping to club her twice more. He grabbed her front flipper and turned her over.

But then the second sealer kicked the wounded pup with his boot. Seeing a reaction, he motioned to the first sealer, who clubbed her four more times on the head. Not to be outdone, the second sealer grabbed his hakapik and clubbed the baby seal once more. He flipped her over and began to cut her open -- only to roll her back over so the first sealer could club her three more times. This poor baby seal was clubbed thirteen times in total."

So Please People ,Stop This Un-Neccasary Hunt By Signing This Petition. Thank You For Signing And God Bless You Too.
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