Make a change make a differnce for our familys

    Im very concerned about all the racial issues going on in this world and we have a president that supports this we are all human beings god made us all equal we bleed the same blood down our veins we are all his children this is not right we as american people have to fight and stand up for what is right and our believes this has gon to far even if i have to keep on and keep on i will never stop im doing this for us our people and our kids to have a safe enviorment to be able to go places without worrying every since this president of this country trying to make it white again will not happen he might as well get this out of his head theres to many of us and alot of mexican people and he is trying to kill us all off and have the cops do his dirty work for him im not going to just sit here and stand by and watch all of this go down in front of my face this is just obsered and ignorance i will do what ever it takes to help the world and make a change signed a concerned african american citizen
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