DEMAND Justice for Craigslist Cats!

Someone who is capable of torturing and killing innocent cats, is PURE EVIL and MUST BE REMOVED FROM SOCIETY IMMEDIATELY! Such is the case of Kaine Louzader in St. Charles county Missouri. He answered ads on craigslist for free Cats, but instead of providing them a loving home, he tortured and murdered them in an absolutely sadistic manner. He tortured them, then strangled, stomped, or drowned them. Afterwards mutilating the bodies, and dumping them in his own neighborhood. These atrocities included kittens as well. This article made me sick, and brought me to tears! What kind of Demonized son of a bitch could do something like that! He was finally caught when a neighbor witnessed him getting out of his white Toyota Camry and emptying a bag of water containing the body of his last victim. When questioned by police, he lied, but eventually admitted his guilt. They are charging him with only TWO counts of felony animal cruelty. The Police have evidence of Twelve counts. Who knows how many other animals he's killed? I'm not involved with or participate in social media, but I CANNOT AND WILL NOT ALLOW THIS! I urge fellow animal lovers and people who are appauled by this to stand with me and sign! I believe he should be executed, or given a life prison sentence without parole. I DEMAND at very least, this POS is charged with one count of felony animal cruelty for EACH cat he killed. (12)

(NAME) Kaine Alexander Louzader (LOCATION) St. Charles county Missouri (D.O.B) 3/25/1999 (OFFENDER ID) 2019123652

Someone like this is undoubtably evil, and should never again have the chance to kill an innocent cat, animal, or person. Sign Now, and join me in putting an end to animal cruelty in America once and for all!

Opdater #15 år siden
The Craigslist Cat Killer has been released and put on house arrest. I hope the Wild Deer Lane Neighborhood he's currently living shows him no mercy and ensures he's held responsible for his crimes against cats! Please share this petition with everyone you can. I don't have facebook, twiiter, or a large number of online friends, but I do believe in Justice, and the power of a United Cat Community! WE DEMAND JUSTICE!!!!
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