Putnam County does not want E&L picking up their trash!

  • af: Kim Craig
  • mottagare: Public Service Commission 800-642-8544
E&L is widely know to go through people's trash and often do not pick up trash as they are supposed to. They treat the customers badly. Customer cannot pay bills online. We have had WM for years with no problems at all. Now all of sudden they are saying that WM can no longer pick up our trash because they are on E&L territory.
We have two options: 1. We can take our trash once a month to the Hurricane Landfill over on Route 60 for free trash day the 2nd Wednesday of every month between the hours of 6:30 am and 3 pm and get a receipt from them saying you dumped your trash there or 2. We can call the Public Service Commission (Bill) at 1-800-642-8544 (This is a Charleston, WV number) and file a complaint. We also have a Putnam County Delegate Scott Cadle at 304-340-3118 that Putnam County voted in to represent this area.
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