Demand that Alabama state protects Hadiyah-Nicole Green from unlawful censorship by big pharma

For decades, nay generations, cancer research has be stunted, halted, breakthroughs silenced, scientists disappeared and sometimes, such as in case of former Monsanto scientist, threatened with the lives of their families if they don't shut up about cancer, glyphosate and human life saving technology.

This is the time to stop all of this. Please tell Alabama state to protect Dr.Hadiyah-Nicole Green who has discovered a way to use laser activated nano particles to cure cancer. Stop letting our heroes and heroines be silenced, threatened and killed. The world deserves to be healthy.

This is also a case of racial justice. Often times, people of color invent, develop ways around road blocks amd pioneer amazing technology or cures for serious diseases. Have you heard of them? No? I wonder why. Perhaps because they've been silenced. Don't let it happen to this amazing woman who has succeeded where so many others have failed or were not given the opportunity to share their discoveries.

Cures for cancer have been covered up for too long. Be the first to stand tall and say "NO MORE"!
I want a cancer free future. Do you?

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