Save the Sumatran Tiger from extinction!

Experts have shown that by 2015, the Sumatran tiger, the only tiger in the forests of Indonesia will be wiped off the face of the Earth forever by US. Humans have skinned their fur for clothes, shot them as being a pest and savagely chopping down the Rainforests, in which they live. They are dying off as a species, mostly due to palm oil and industrial plantations. At the moment, there are less than 400 Sumatran tigers in the wild and less than 3,000 tigers of all species. Poaching is another horrible cause of why the sumatran tiger is almost extinct. On the black market a delicacy at $5,000 dollars a bowl is tiger penis soup. The word is, it makes sex better and I want to stop this from happening. to help the tigers from losing their penises, sign this petition and support the cause.

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