Stop Murdering Elephants!

  • af: Eric Rardin
  • mottagare: Tshekedi Khama - Botswana's Minister of Environment, Wildlife and Tourism

Botswana has sold the lives of 60 elephants to trophy hunters, and scores more could be added this year!

Add your name if you want to help convince them to spare these defenseless elephants, before it's too late!

Botswana is home to about 1/3 of Africa's precious elephants, numbering around 160,000, according to The Hill.

But now they want to allow them to be slaughtered for profit.

"The government was prepared to auction off seven hunting packages permitting the killing of ten elephants each. However, only six bidders were able to put down the reserve fee of 2 million pula ($181,000), according to Reuters.

"The packets were purchased by expedition operators who will sell them to trophy hunters at a markup, HuffPost explained.

"Most trophy hunters who come to southern Africa are from the U.S..

"Botswana will allow foreign hunters to shoot 202 of its 272-elephant quota for the year, as well as to export the trophies," reported EcoWatch.

These elephants need your help.

The massacre is slated to begin in April of 2020.

We still have time to take action, before any precious elephant is murdered for "sport" by some heartless hunter.

Don't you think Botswana should focus on nature tourism, instead of trophy hunting, as a way of earning money for the nation?

Don't you want to save the lives of these elephants?

Then add your name to ask Tshekedi Khama - Botswana's Minister of Environment, Wildlife and Tourism - to introduce legislation that would stop his nation's elephants from being hunted!

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