• af: David Librace
  • mottagare: The American Citizens of the Great State of New York allowing independent candidates to have equal ballot access.

Presently in the United States only the Major Politcal Parties have easy access to have their candidate plave on the ballot.  A form letter confirming their nominee and a filing fee is all it takes.  If you are an independent candidate and believes in our American Constitution, our repersentation is to represent those who elected him/her and not their own special interest or party.

David Librace is running for President 2016 and is requesting your help to have his name placed on the New York Ballot.  He is requesting his consideration and support to begin the process of having formal petitions signed in order to achieve this goal when it is time to file the offical petition with the Secretary of State.  

Please do your own research and review the many sites Mr. Librace is associated with and review his stance against the current adminstration.  If you have any questions, please write

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