My Period Is Not a Luxury — End the Tampon Tax!

  • af: Julie M.
  • mottagare: Your state representatives
Periods are not a luxury, yet 39 U.S. states currently tax feminine hygiene products.

Forty-five states allow tax exemptions for "necessities" like groceries, live circus performances (!), even candy (!!), but tampons are largely considered "luxury" or nonessential items, and are therefore subject to taxation.

While there is no conspiracy in which state tax laws specifically target tampons (rather, it is a sales tax that applies to tampons — in many states, toilet paper and incontinence pads are also affected by these sales taxes), it's absolutely unfair that a product we need to manage a basic and regular bodily function is subject to burdensome taxation.

Until recently, a meager 5 states did not charge a state-level sales tax for tampons. Five others —Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania — have specifically exempted feminine hygiene products from sales taxes.

CaliforniaUtahVirginia, Ohio, New York, Michigan, Illinois, and Connecticut have introduced bills that would create exemptions for taxes on pads and tampons. Canada ended its tampon tax in July 2015, and New York ended its tax in May 2016. The rest of the U.S. needs to follow.

Sign this petition to tell your state representatives to introduce or support legislation to exempt feminine hygiene products from state sales tax!
Periods are not a luxury, but 39 U.S. states currently tax feminine hygiene products as such. My state is one of them.

Forty-five states allow tax exemptions for "necessities" like groceries, live circus performances, and even candy, but in most states, tampons are largely considered "luxury" or nonessential items, and are therefore subject to taxation.

It's absolutely unfair that a product we need to manage a basic and regular bodily function is subject to burdensome taxation. 

CaliforniaUtahVirginiaOhioNew YorkMichiganIllinois, and Connecticut have introduced bills that would create exemptions for taxes on pads and tampons. Canada ended its tampon tax in July 2015, and New York ended its tax in May 2016. The rest of the U.S. needs to follow.

I urge you to support or introduce legislation to amend the tax code and exempt feminine hygiene products from state sales tax. Thank you.
Opdater #35 år siden
Ohio just ended their menstrual product tax, allowing 4 million dollars to stay in the hands of women in Ohio!
Opdater #28 år siden
The tide is turning: Chicago has ended its tampon tax, and the UK will soon abolish its 5% tax! Let's keep the momentum up on state legislators - share the petition on Facebook:
Opdater #18 år siden
Some bad news: a group of all-male legislators in Utah have voted to keep the state's tax on tampons and other feminine hygiene products. Please share the petition on Facebook to keep up the pressure up on legislators in other states:
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