Kelly Evans (Dog Warden at Birmingham Council)

Im sure most of Britain watched 'Dangerous Dogs'.. well Following the program that was on the television tonight, I am absolutely disgusted by Kelly Evans the dog warden way of behaviour towards any of the dogs on this shows, one the American Bull Dog, now yes you don't know the dogs and not sure what we will happen but when you go into this line of work you need to understand and the second thing is the akita, I'm so heart broken with the way this lady was shouting, screaming, dragging this akita.. THIS DOG has been left and was highly stressed!! and this women drag this dog out like a piece of crap, for one the dog is stressed!! its going to bark and protect it property and himself, secondly shouting and screaming at the dogs is only stressing this dog out more, opening and closing the door also stressing it more!!! and then to use the pole as protection strangling the dog why didn't this women ask her colleague to help hold the dogs head and carry the dog instead of dragging it!!! The next thing is the man feeding the two starving dogs in the same kennel!! then fighting over the food is that obvious that two dog that have not been fed correctly to separate these dogs!!! also to allow those puppies to leave at 7 weeks old is disgusting does she has any qualifications at all ?? I want something doing about this women!! I will not stop and can assure you that the whole of social network system will be doing the same we will stick together until this is sorted!! In no way does any dog in any situation deserve to be treated so bad,, Something need doing and this is the only way to get people to see!

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