stop carson and barnes circus from coming to Rock Falls, IL

  • af: Alyssa Mullan
  • mottagare: Rock Falls Chamber of Commerce Bethany Bland- President/CEO Michelle Long - Member & Events Coordinator , Mayor David H. Blanton

By this point we should all KNOW why circuses with animals are unacceptable. No animal willingly performs such stupid and unnatural tricks. These animals live miserable lives and suffer terribly. We need to be their voice. We need to band together stronger than ever this time and be LOUD! Carson and Barnes have a LONG history of animal abuse including the video below where they are caught beating and torturing elephants in a training session.

ere is a list of their current citations from the USDA

his is the second year Rock falls has failed to hear our pleas. They have a close knit relationship with carson and barnes so we need to FIGHT and be strong! We are their voice. ALSO feel free to contact the Mayor and the chamber of commerce to voice your concerns and to let them know we will not stand for this! Mayor: 


Chamber: (815) 625-4500

Dear city of Rock Falls,
 We, the people of the city and surrounding cities are writing to you today in the hopes that you will cancel the upcoming carson and barnes circus that is set to take place Thursday, June 21st and to prevent them from being brought back to the town in the future. You are well aware of the abuse and neglect that goes on in the circus because we have informed you numerous times. It is unnacceptable to still allow any circus with animals to perform in your city. These animals lead miserable lives and suffer terribly at the hands of their trainers. They are beaten with bullhooks in order for them to perform such unnatural tricks. Elephants in the wild do NOT stand on their heads, balance on balls, do handstands, none of that! These animals deserve a life of peace and freedom not a life being paraded and laughed at as slaves in a circus. Please, have a heart and cancel this show and any future shows! 

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