End the exploitation of our furry friends!

Puppy mills are a growing problem in the modern world. Hundreds of animals are forced to live in crowded hazardous conditions with no veterinary attention. Forced to give birth until they die due to the horrid stress put on these dogs bodies.

This problem is causing abandonment of domesticated animals. If they are lucky, they will get taken to a shelter in the hopes that they will find a loving home. Unfortunately, most dogs are put down with an injection, but most likely be put in gas chambers where they endure a slow and painful death. Anyone can be a breeder, and most dog stores acquire their dogs from puppy mills. Lets protect mans best friend! Tell congress to use strict regulations on breeders and abolish puppy mills!


It has been called to my attention that billions of animals are being exploited in the United States for our commodity and the profit of corporations. Unfortunately, puppy mills have been a result of so much suffering. Please protect these animals from further harm by placing strict regulations on how a breeders should maintain a dogs living conditions and prohibit the mass production of puppies through the use of puppy mills. By placing these strict regulations, there should be a massive decrease in stray dogs and less expenses for shelters. Humanly, this would be a good start in abolishing the unnecessary suffering of animals.  

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