A Petition for Taylor - Put the 10 Minute Version of All Too Well on Red Remastered

    Dear Taylor,

    As your dedicated fans, we are immensely proud and excited that you will be re-recording your catalog and taking back control of your own work. As dedicated fans, we also know that when you put out the new versions, you'll be making sure that they are all extra-special and not just exact replications of the older versions. With this in mind, we would like to submit a request: that you record the 10-minute version of All Too Well for Track 5(TM) of the remastered RED.

    Many of us have wondered about this version and earnestly wished we could hear it since we learned of its existence nearly 7 years ago. Our curiosity about it will only grow when we see the original lyrics from your diary in one of the Lover deluxe versions.

    In conclusion, All Too Well is some of your best work and holds such a special place in our fan community, and we as your loyal fans ask that you consider our suggestion as you brainstorm ideas for your sure-to-be epic re-releases.

    Love and support,

    Swifties Everywhere
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