Demand NEVADA BLM be held accountable for the illegal killing of 8 wild horses on private land.

    Madeleine Pickens bought two ranches to be used for a wild horses 🐎 sanctuary. Horses being moved from public lands could be relocated to her sanctuary to roam free. August 2021 NEVADA BLM came on to Madeleines property shot 8 wild horses, each shot cruelly through out the body several times, observed by a neighbor rancher, left to die. When owner Madeleine came out to ask what was going on BLM represented said none thing and tried to walk away. Madeleine said we have 8 dead horses what happened. They wouldn’t respond so there is a court case. We are out raged and want to show our support to the wild horses and Madeleine Pickens. Our petition will be forward to Senator Lindsey Graham
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