Urge Barack Obama To Stop All Wolf Hunts In America!

  • af: Anu Raviprasad
  • mottagare: Barack Obama, President of the United States

I'm sure there are many people, like me, who love wolves. But I just thought that you should know that in America, hunters take pride in killing wolves. So do farmers. The farmers kill the wolves because they say they are eating all their livestock. But did you know that wolves account for only 0.23% of cattle losses? When food is scarce, these beautiful, majestic animals turn to livestock to survive. And even if the wolves didn't eat the livestock, the farmers eventually would. In that sense, no food is going to waste. Also, did you know that the chance of being attacked by a wolf is less likely than being hit by a meteor? It's true. There were only three fatal attacks in the entire twentieth century. I think too many people have been reading, "The  Three Little Pigs," and, "Little Red Riding Hood." Wolves are not evil, and they do not intentionally kill people I'm sure many people agree. So if you love wolves, please sign this petition. Thank you!

Dear Mr. Barack Obama,

I am asking you to stop all wolf hunts in America.

With every day, more and more wolves are being unfairly and unnecessarily killed. I know that I am only one person in the entire world, but I believe that even one person can make a difference. I thought that you might want to help our dream become a reality.

Wolf hunts are cruel. People take pride in killing living, feeling beings. We were just lucky it wasn't the wolves killing us for pleasure. Over a thousand wolves are killed in each wolf hunt. The population is plummeting. If we don't do something now, the next generation will never experience the power and majesty of these beautiful animals. They will hear stories about wolves, but never really know what they looked like. Lets stop this from happening. And if you're going to stop it, you need to do it now. Please, Mr. Obama, for the sake of all those wolves and their pups, stop all wolf hunts in America. 
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