Save the wild life! Deman a END to Enviornmental polution and waste!

  • af: Robert J
  • mottagare: Edmound G. Brown Jr
The trailer park has long been a facility for drugs and harboring drug addicts, and in 2014 the Hwy 180 project completed part of it's freeways connecting a hwy from Fresno, CA to the outer city limits of Reedley, CA while driving by or stopping in this RV-Camp park the environment of drugs and lack of environmental health STANDS out. The new Hwy is bring a new environmental social change for the Animals and wild life in the area, there are very beautiful horse ranches around the outside of this Kings Canyon RV park that have the environmental beauty and attraction to keep the reason for building the Highway, while tearing out the unattractive negatives in the area "The Kings Canyon RV Park". This will allow more of a area for the hwy workers and equipment to operate and keep any hazardous peoples out. Removing the RV park will keep the theft, drug, vandalism, bums, and other hazards away from the project. The goal is to connect the cities main way of traveling helping the cities workers get to, and from each city with a safe and effective way of traveling. Removing this RV park will ensure that the project will not have the set backs and problems from potential RV residents. Thank you, Robert Jones Jr.
(Local 431) Teamsters.
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