wakeupliberia.com. Liberians demand a platform to have their voice heard!

Article 5 subsection a. of the constitution of the Republic of Liberia states that, "…the Legislature shall enact laws promoting national unification and the encouragement of all citizens to participate in government." The current system as it is, is not fostering unification or citizens participation with in government. We believe the lack of participation by the people have led to a disconnect between the government and its people and their problems; creating instability and threatening the fragile peace within the country.


We the people are demanding that the government create a website dedicated to promoting a dialogue between the people regarding the issues facing their communities and the ideas to help solve those issues. This website should include:


1) A section for every district within each county to write in their Issues, ideas or concerns regarding their communities.

2) The website should have the ability to categorize votes by issues, ideas or concerns in order of magnitude.

3) The website should be accessible to every Liberian.

4) There should be an independent commission to ensure that the website is maintained, updated and monitored. This independent commission will also have the responsibility of sending the top five (5) pressing national issues, ideas or concerns voted upon by the people, to the election commissioner for certification two (2) months before every presidential election.


5) We the people demand that the election commission submit the top five (5) pressing issues, ideas or concerns voted upon by the people to the incoming government. We also demand that every incoming government make the five pressing issues voted for by the people an immediate priority in their national agenda.

6) We the people demand that the election commission submit the top five (5) pressing issues, ideas or concerns voted upon by the people from  "www.wakeupliberia.com" to the incoming government if the government website is not ready during the 2023 election season. We also demand that the incoming government in 2023 make the five pressing issues voted for by the people an immediate priority in their national agenda.


We believe that these steps will promote national unification and the encouragement of all citizens to actively participate in government as stipulated by Article 5 subsection a. of the constitution of Liberia.

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