Demand Justice for Tortured Canadians

  • af: Sophie Care
  • mottagare: Prime Minister Stephen Harper

Canadian terror suspect Aaron Yoon has endured countless hours of torture at the hands of Mauritanian police. According to human rights organizations, the young Canadian has been tortured into confessing conspiring to join Al-Qaeda.

Police tortured him, eventually forcing a confession that has put him in a Mauritanian prison for two years.  “He was beaten repeatedly for what seemed an eternity; off and on for close to one hour,” wrote Amnesty International. “He was kicked, punched and hit with sticks of wood. Eventually he lost consciousness. When he awoke he was alone, in the same room; a small cell in total darkness with no windows.”

Guilty or innocent, torture is unacceptable. It's an inhumane and unjust tool waged by corrupt international authorities. Canada needs to protect its citizens from horrific abuses of human rights like this.

Call on Prime Minister Stephen Harper to take a stand to protect Aaron Yoon and other Canadians imprisoned internationally.

Dear Prime Minister Stephen Harper,

We urge you and your government to investigate and interfere with the torture of Aaron Yoon by Mauritanian police.  Guilty or innocent, people must not be tortured.  

The confession by Mr. Yoon may not be credible as it was obtained after hours of torture and he now sits in a Mauritanian prison.  Amnesty International is investigating the case and we want the Canadian Government to support this investigation and work to protect Mr. Yoon.

Canadians are at risk.  With inconsistent human rights laws internationally, people are not safe.  Stand up for this individual and others by condemning the actions of the Mauritanian judicial system on behalf of concerned Canadians.  

Concerned Canadians

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