Non- Custodial Rights

There are men and women on child support everyday and are unable to see there kids that they pay for because a relationship ended badly. The courts state that even if you are unable to see your child you still have to support them. I feel as if that is crazy thats like going into a store and handing the cash clerk money and leaving without merchandise. I think if you pay child support you still should be allowed to be a parent to that child especially if you really want to be.

I understand there is a such thing as visitation rights. But why should you only be able to see YOUR child when the custodial parent says so? Why can you only see your kid for the weekends? which is only 2 day a week (maybe) 8 times a month or 96 times a year? ITS 365 DAYS IN A YEAR!!! COME ON NOW YOU ARE A PARENT TOO!!!

Now i agree that if you are  a non-custodial parent that doesn't want anything to do with your child, should you pay child support? YES! If you have a job and you choose not to help the custodial parent with what ever that child needs, should you pay child support? YES! Or even if you just dnt want to deal with the child because of the custodial parent, should you pay? YES! But i dnt believe that you should be paying child support for a child that the custodial parent will not let you see or interact with and even get to know. Just because child support was a revenge for you two PARENTS breaking up and moving on.

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