Do away with reserved parking in apartment complexes

Reserved parking has been a major concern in Forest Creek Apartments and many tenants are fed up with paying to park where they live... Many tenants have been faced with violence such as being robbed when getting out of their vehicals or their valuables being stolen from their cars.. This has become a problem in this community and many tenants feel unsafe.. We the tenants at Forest Creek Apartments are requesting that reserved parking be done away with and allow tenants to park their vehicles where they may without having them being towed for being on a striped line or in the wrong spot.. We don't feel safe as tenants and our visitors can't even visit due to parking issues... We should not have to pay to park in a community we live in... We have to park too far from where we live... This is not safe and we want a change today.. Our rent payments should be more important than where we park.. Our tenants are fed up and living here as a tenant of Forest Creek Apartments is becoming a problem due to parking... 

Do away with reserved parking and stop having our vehicles towed away.. We don't deserve this...

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