Canonize Louis and Zelie Martin (already Beatified), parents of St. Therese of the Child Jesus!

The Cause for Louis and Zelie Martin

(Adapted from the website of the Sanctuary of Lisieux.)

On March 26, 1994, Pope John Paul II (soon to be canonized after Pope Francis approved a second miracle on July 5th, 2013), declared Louis and Zelie(Guerin) Martin “Venerable” (now "Beatified" under Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI on October 19, 2008), recognizing their “heroic virtue”. The process for the Canonization of the Servants of God, Louis and Zelie Martin, the parents of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, were instigated separately by the dioceses of Bayeux-Lisieux and Sees, between 1957 and 1960. The causes were then forwarded to Rome. These two causes are being investigated according to a historical method and are to be presented to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints as one single study or positio and will be discussed at the same time. If the Church so decides, this couple will then be glorified together. The faithful are invited to jointly invoke Louis and Zelie Martin to request favors and miracles (two required for canonization) through their intercession.

Anyone who has received graces through the intercession of Louis and Zelie Martin, or anybody wishing to make a donation or seek information, is invited to contact:

Postulator General of the

Discalced Carmelites

Corso d’Italia, 38

00198 Roma, Italy

LATEST NEWS: A SECOND MIRACLE!!! On January 7, 2013,in Valencia, Spain, the diocesan process opened to examine a "presumed miracle" attributed to their intercession: the healing of a newborn girl, Carmen, who was born prematurely four days after their beatification and who inexplicably recovered from severe bleeding of the brain and other complications after her parents sought recourse through Blessed Louis&Zelie Martin's Intercession. The case will be presented to Pope Francis this year.

Prayers to ask for the glorification of the father and mother of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, and for graces through their intercession.

"O Lord Jesus, who didst make of Thy servant Louis Martin a model husband and father, grant, we beseech Thee, to glorify him who, by his fidelity to Thy laws, his generosity in offering all his children, and his admirable resignation in trials, merited to give the Church St. Therese of the Child Jesus.

In Thy goodness, deign to make known Thy designs in his regard, by granting us, through him, the graces for which we ask. Amen.

O God, our Father, who glorified the humble Therese for her abandonment and filial confidence in You, grant our request that her mother, Zelie Martin, may be proposed by the Church as an example of these same virtues, which she practiced with such a spirit of faith, in the duties and trials of family life.

Grant also, by heavenly favors, to manifest her favorable influence with You. Amen.

Persons who receive favors by the intercession of Louis Martin and Zelie Martin are requested to make them known to the Carmel of Lisieux, Calvados, France.

Imprimatur + François-Marie,

Bishop of Bayeux and Lisieux,

February 12, 1954.

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