He Was a Top Chef in LA. Now He's Accused of Killing His Family's Pet Cats.

  • af: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Los Angeles authorities
A chef at one of the hottest restaurants in L.A. now stands accused by his wife, who is also his business partner and co-chef, of domestic violence and killing the couple's cats. A restaurant that was once famous for reimagining classic dishes and implementing a more egalitarian multi-chef approach is now the epicenter of a heated legal battle.

Sign the petition to demand justice!

According to his wife's court filings, the couple had multiple cats that "mysteriously ended up dying," some from wounds and others from internal injuries. Animal shelter staff apparently examined one of the animals and told the co-chef that someone had "seriously abused" her pets.

At one point, she alleges that her husband joked about feeding a new kitten of theirs to wild coyotes, before she later saw him actively abusing their cat. Even her husband's own mother acknowledges that "one after the other [of the cats] died."

On top of that, his wife stated that on at least one occasion, he apparently grabbed her and dragged her along the floor as she screamed for him to stop. Sadly, it is only too common for perpetrators of domestic abuse to begin practicing their cruelty by inflicting violence against animals first.

A judge has reviewed the evidence so far and granted the woman a domestic violence restraining order against her husband, and reissued the order several months later.

Unsurprisingly, her husband is denying the allegations and claiming he is the true victim, but authorities must look into this situation in order to keep animals and people safe.

L.A. authorities must investigate these allegations of animal cruelty in order to ensure that other pets and humans are kept safe from potentially violent abusers! Sign the petition now!
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