Call on America's governors to follow Biden and free nonviolent marijuana offenders!

On October 6th, President Biden made the stunning announcement that he would be pardoning all federal convictions of simple marijuana possessions and had instructed Attorney General Merrick Garland to begin the process of rescheduling the popular plant.

"No one should be in jail just for using or possessing marijuana. Too many lives have been upended because of our failed approach to marijuana. It's time that we right these wrongs," the President said in his remarks.

Demand all American states legalize marijuana and pardon nonviolent drug offenders!

For far too long, minor drug offenses have been used to fuel the meat grinder of the carceral state, destroying lives and communities so that private prison corporations can leech away taxpayer dollars. It's time for these injustices to end EVERYWHERE in America.

America's governors must follow suit and pardon the nonviolent marijuana offenders locked up in their state prisons.

Call on America's governors to follow Biden and free nonviolent marijuana offenders!

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