The Federal Government sends funds to Puerto Rico for Animal Welfare. The funds do not reach ANIMAL RESCUE AND SHELTERS it is targeted for. Where is the money?
"We the undersigned" Want fo know where is the money? ALL  Animal Shelters throughout Puerto RIco need funds to operate. When  are provided any funds, it is minimal. We need accountablility, of these monies provided by the Federal Government to the COmmonwealth of PUErot Rico for Animal Welfare. Please help the undersigned, get the the appropriate accountability of these funds. We are requesting a complete  audit of such from the President of the United States and Governor and the Represetnative for the People of Puerto RIco. We  request  the Governor enforce immedaitely "FREE SPAY & NEUTER" Program ISLAND WIDE and provide a the funds for a NO KILL SHELTER, You can MAKE IT HAPPEN.

I sincerely thank you for your help in this matter, WE MUST STOP THE INSANE CRUILTY, THE KILLING, which is rampant in Puerto Rico. We need the SPAY and NEUTER Government plan, then we can move toward a Beautiful No Kill Shelter. The money is here but where?

Sir, Please do something for the animals with the Government funds you have hidden in the coffer'e somewhere? Needs to go something that will make you PROUD Show case a NO KILLl SHELTER for PUERTO RICO. Start something Special with the money?
 I will be happy to chair it for you, with all the animla rescue groups we have here on the Island.of Puerto RIco. This subject has been buried too long,  Now is the time to shine on this matter, for the animals.

Thanks for your Support ,
Desia for the ones who cannot speak!
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