Demand that a winner is not announced in a Midterm or Presidential election race, unless the projected winner is winning by a landslide on Election day!

In the 2018 midterm election, the state of Florida governor races were too close to officially declare a winner without counting all the votes. With only a 1% lead over Democrat Candidate, and current Mayer of Tallahassee Andrew Gillum, Republican candidate Ron DeSantis addressed the people of Florida and the nation, that he was honored to be Florida's next Governor. Andrew Gillum believed he had lost the race and conceded by 11pm Election Night, November 6, 2018. Meanwhile, Dem. Senator Bill Nelson refused to concede his race against Rep. Rick Scott for the seat in the senate. In addition, Dem. Stacey Abrams in Georgia also persistently held out in a tight race against Rep. Brian Kemp in hopes of a runoff. However, Brian Kemp was already announced as the winner when it was too close to confirm. The law says an automatic recount can be in effect if races between candidates reach .50% But what about races that reach 98% and there is only a 2% difference between votes, should all votes be counted? Absolutely! The only way it would be unnecessary for all votes to be counted is when the projecting winner is winning by a landslide. If this is not the case, the winner can not be declared on Election day and every vote must be counted in the race. Please help us all by signing this petition in getting our voices heard! They tell us every vote matters, so every vote should be counted. Don't you think so?

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