Amount of leave for family reasons

  • af: Silvia Gomes
  • mottagare: Xavier Bettel - Luxembourg Prime Minister
2 days of leave per year and per child under 15 years of age are not enough when they are sick. kids under 15 years of age are often sick and 2 days per year are not enough! As a working mother I can't afford to keep missing work when my son is sick, specially when he attends creche and gets all kinds of allergies, accidents and all sorts.
In less than 2 months, I already took the allowed 2 days to be able to take him to the doctor.
I am not only a full time working mum, but I am also a single parent and I have got no one else avaiable that can help when my son gets ill.
A lot of mothers, that I previously spoken to agree with me on this, law should be changed!
If there are changes in other things, like child benefits and etc, Why not giving the parents a helping hand on this??
Please, lets sign this petition and make a difference!!!
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