As we know , we had an assessment for deck repair. The HOA presented this as just a horrific situation. They also noted that the HOA has already received over $70,000 in a law suit to assist in the most immediate repairs. The HOA BOD was not forth coming with information regarding this assessment, its contractors etc. None the less, you may remember the vote was YES for the assessment due of $2700. Next came the email that the contractor did not provide all the details of the job. The BOD indicated they would research new contractors and be in touch. Lastly, the BOD has now decided to reach out to the HOA attorney and along with the lawyer and BOD, draft a completely NEW article that would make the deck repairs the individual owners responsibility and liability moving forward, FOREVER.

Have you considered how this effects your home owners insurance?
Have you considered how this effects your personal financial and legal obligation?
Have you considered that MAYBE again this BOD is acting pre maturely ?

The BOD is already working on the text to change this document, even though it has not been voted on. While they are at it, they have also added a few other details in the document. For example, you will no longer be able to plant those beautiful fall and spring flowers like you used, well not with out their approval. The BOD is abusing their control in regards to the HOA. The mission of the BOD is to work with homeowners not against them.

As caring homeowners, we want a minimum of two things:
1. This action gets postponed until a NEW board is in place (To be voted on in the December 6 meeting)
2. We want a committee to be established to come with with a solution to repair the decks that need it and keep HOA liability . This may take some long term planning but we think its worth it. We also want the decks needing dire repair to b repaired, we have the money- why are they holding on to it?
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