Urge Julia Gillard to meet with Nicole Foss during her tour this March!

Sustainability Showcase is touring Australia with Nicole Foss from March to May this year, showcasing strategies for sustainability to address the converging economic and ecological crises.

We think that Nicole has a vitally important message that every Australian needs to hear, and our Prime Minister is no exception! With the federal election a little over 6 months away now it is high time Australia's foremost politician learnt a thing or two about the issues of most importance to our future.

Julia Gillard has been invited to attend Sustainability Showcase - for free - in the hope that she will join thousands of Australian people in learning about our converging economic and ecological crises, and in becoming part of the solution.

So far Julia Gillard has declined to respond to this invitation, so let's put some pressure on her and show that we want our PM to prove us wrong - to prove that she does care about the long-term sustainability of our planet. Most of all we need our leadership to join forces with us in facing up to the issues that most threaten us, and become a part of the solution.

Sign this petition today, and let's bring about the kind of meeting our PM won't be able to forget!

Dear Julia,

I am writing to you because you are the leader of the nation which I call home.

Though the matter about which I write is essentially a global issue, the international community is failing to cooperate over stategies to address it. For this reason I have decided to pursue this matter at the highest level of governance within my own nation. I do believe that it is possible for Australia to stand up and take the lead that is required in the face of this issue.

We are bound by the same limits and laws of nature that affect the suffering environment around us. However, our growth-oriented economy that has only been made possible by the large scale burning of fossil fuelsnis leading us on a trajectory toward disaster - both ecological and economic.

The multifaceted crises that we continue to accelerate towards are well accepted and documented. Both consciousness of the consequences of unrestrained growth and our collective moral conscience are screaming at us to do something about it. If we choose to ignore the reality of our situation, and continue with mindless consumption and growth, we must accept that we have consciously chosen our fate. I do not believe that any informed and sane person would make that choice.

Julia, I believe that you do genuinely care about the future of this planet. With that in mind, I would like to invite you attend, free of charge, a Sustainability Showcase event at any one of 10 locations across Australia between March and May this year. I have included a link that advertises the dates and locations of this event as it moves around Australia. The main speaker is Nicole Foss, and the picture she paints, with eloquence and raw honesty, is alarming. But it is also a call, for every one of us, to seriously consider how we are going to best survive in a post carbon world. Nicole claims that our governments are not going to save us from collapse and that we must prepare lifeboats at individual and local community level. I would like to think that the Australian Government and society at large can work together to prove her wrong.

Recently your unprecedented early announcement of a date for the next federal election was lauded by many as an example of great leadership. Leadership of this nature is required on all fronts to tackle the real issues that confront humanity at this point in history. Business as usual is irrefutably leading us to a future that we do not want to see written in the history textbooks of our great grandchildren. The island nation upon which you and I walk is uniquely positioned, in many ways, to be a model of sustainable and just human habitation. You may or may not be the Prime Minister after the next election, but regardless, I implore you to heed the lessons we teach in our schools and to make the most of your position to lead us forward in a direction that nature necessitates.

Yours sincerely,

Concerned people of Australia

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