Help stop Animal Testing

  • af: Megan Holmes
  • mottagare: I am petitioning for the animals that are being tested on.

People should sign my petition as the Government has just issued that a new building will be built for animal testing. The dogs will be breed to be used for experiments. This is cruel and wrong. Also, many people of the Government who are Christians allowed the animal testing to happen then they are breaking two of the Ten Commandments and they are "do not kill" and "love thy neighbour". They are breaking this Commandment "do not kill", as most of the dogs will be killed from the experiments. The other Commandment that they are breaking "love thy neighbour", is because the Government are not loving the dogs and letting them be tortured. This is unfair and it should be stopped before it gets started.

Thank you for reading this and if you agree with me then please sign as I will be writing to the Government for them to stop the plan before it gets under way. If a lot of people sign then my letter might persuade the Government that no one wants the animal testing to happen. Also, anyone can be worried about what the Government is doing as I am only 16 years old and I am totally against any cruelty to animals.

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