I won't vote for ANY M.P. who obstructed 'no deal'

  • af: Paul R
  • mottagare: The majority of British M.P.'s

Not all MPs betrayed the promises made at the 2017 election (which induced 86% of electors to vote for their solemn pledges to Leave.) Not all MPs betrayed their previous votes to trigger Article 50 and to Leave the EU. Not all MPs betrayed their moral obligation to enact in Parliament the nation's democratic will. BUT MANY HAVE.
For some, those who lied openly and brazenly, their hearts dark with duplicity and treachery, for whom the rewards of place or office were too greatly loved to be foregone, no words are foul enough to condemn their betrayal. For others, the ninnies, unicorn-chasers, naive credulous fools, babblers, mirror-gazers and assorted half-wits, carried up in the vain delusion that THEIR OWN OPINIONS COUNTED FOR MORE THAN THE REFERENDUM, their fate may shock and surprise them.
MPs may not be clever, but most of them are cunning. And many know what the ballot box is likely to bring. Away from the fairyland of Westminster even the deepest self-deceptions and delusions fall away, and their abject failure to enact Brexit will stand them stark bollock naked before the scrutiny of their electors.
So don't expect an election any time soon. They will delay it - all of them, each and every perfidious arse on those green benches - for as long as possible - hoping that the anger of electors at their failure will fade. In the hope that something will turn up. In the hope that another three years sitting as frauds and liars, their public regard prone in the gutter and feculent with filth, will lessen the reckoning they will face. SO LET'S CONVINCE THEM OTHERWISE. SIMPLY PLEDGE NOT TO VOTE FOR THEM COME THEIR NEXT ELECTION.

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