No-kill animal shelters in United States

  • af: khyati sabherwal
  • mottagare: Barack Obama; President of U.S ; John Roberts, Chief justice of U.S

Another Day, Another Slay

It is known that innocent animals are being killed at a very high rate in the animal shelters all over U.S. This is unethical. Animal lives can't be taken to reduce the population or when they get old as we don't do same for the human.Provide more funds to the animal shelters so that proper care of those animals with would be taken till their adoption; all strays are vaccinated and Open more No-kill shelters. Keep the ill animals in isolated rooms and treat them because killing of the ill is not the thing as we don't kill ill human. Execute Sterilization programs in all shelters.

On the first place we can't take animal's freedom to move on the roads. Make strict laws to avoid the accidents and those innocent beings be killed on roads and other places by the people. Make all the shelters No-kill shelters.

Opdater #19 år siden
Execute Sterilization programs in all shelters.
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