!Change your animal cruelty and abuse definition policy, YouTube!

A YouTube rep told Insider the concerned videos ain't found guilty violating any policy of theirs:

"Our trust and safety team is located around the globe and we draw upon this regional expertise when drafting our policies. We have strict policies regarding animal abuse, and have determined the videos highlighted do not violate them."

"The following types of content are not allowed on YouTube. This is not a complete list.

Dogfighting, cockfighting, or other videos in which human onlookers are forcing animals to attack each other. We do allow content featuring animals fighting in the wild, such as in a nature documentary.
Non-educational, documentary, scientific, or artistic content that shows unnecessary suffering.
Bullfighting with bulls being harmed (E.g swords in the bull).
Hunting using illegal practices like bombing or poison."

Devouring sentient animals for pleasure and popularity in front of a streaming camera while some are still alive, desperately fighting for their lives and evidently suffering, is nothing less than culturized torture. Often to a point when it's not even about eating a dish, but the gorging on inhuman quantities of compassionate animals. Some aptly call it "mukbang" and add ASMR or carnal implications, where such purified cruelty becomes moreover a form of twisted gratification for enticing sensory stimulations and tingles. It's just as immoral as if you would do the same towards humans or conventional "pets". It's also known as snuff and would otherwise send you straight to the cooler for a while. Another sadistic fashion is staging rescues where helpless animals are trapped in harm's way so they can rescue them and gain more fame, followers and their sympathy as "heroes". Streaming snakes strangulating puppies, baby monkeys getting mutilated and kittens set on fire for "fun". But also less evident emergency cases for mass entertainment are common on your platforms. From previous experiences we got clear attestation that human violent demeanor towards nonhuman animals is a gateway to criminal acts towards other humans as well, like domestic violence.    

Unfortunately, there will always be mentally and emotionally ill people crying out for attention and help; one way or another. But should we continue supporting and normalizing animal snuff and abuse despite everything that's going on in our plagued world today? And use archaic culture and tradition as rhetorical arguments to promote such sadistic savagery to pliant kids and unstable adults by these glorified so-called influencers who you endorse and condone for some reason? Not hurting anyone, including all animals, should be common sense. After all, humans are also animals. And veritable compassion is never selective. Flagrant animal cruelty towards conventional "pets" like cats and dogs normally gets you in trouble if reported. Yet there is also another kind of animal cruelty that is protected by our primitive habits, cultures and traditions because they have normalized harm of nonhuman animals to the point where they are no longer seen as living beings, but as willess commodities. Saying the time is beyond overdue to wake up and put this behavior in the past would be an underestimation~             

Do you really want to be defined and remembered as their accomplice, who even monetized torture of innocent animals for entertainment? An organization of your caliber should even take humane initiatives (mentioning your irresponsibility would be superfluous) and report such brutal insanity to proper authorities. And not just idly stand by and shrug while defending it. Justice and ethics must always govern rules and laws - not the other ways around.       

So please YouTube, set an example and redress your animal cruelty and abuse definition policy, for all our sakes. Not only remove all such videos, but also ban those who upload them from using your platforms in the future (except animal rights activism edifying against animal injustice, of course)!

Just some of the concerned YouTubers and channels (TW 18+ viewer's discretion advised - most of these videos even lack age restriction):

1. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4PpFUrfT2Pou7OwpVF0MUQ

2. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSPKTVrYVyEXQvUpsPvcYnw

3. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg7xkCKcxA84xSTGgtF9ySA

4. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcAd5Np7fO8SeejB1FVKcYw

5. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIafb9ExBkh4WsCOagZssZA

Thanks for your infinite Love, always!~   
/Yngve Riling

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