stop animal abusers.

Animal abuse or animal cruelty should be heavily treated. A law recently passed in Washington stating that if a police officer approaches your door and the dog is barking or causing a ruckus the police officer can be obligated to shoot or harm the animal if he/she feels like they are in danger. Dogs naturally bark when someone knocks or rings a door bell, out of excitement. This law has been passed yes, but the reasons behind why are not very clear. Dogs(and all other animals) are commonly mistaken as things that can or may harm you. I strongly disagree to the point where I could rant about it all day. Dogs(and all other animals) can be the sweetest most loving thing. It's a proven fact that the most feared dog used to babysit children while parents were away not to long ago in New England, that still happens to this day. Sign this petition if you believe animal abuse should be taken more seriously. Help me be a voice for the voiceless.
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