Oppose Concept Plan 3-SB-21-C

We, residents and concerned citizens of the Strawberry Plains community in East Knox County (TN), strongly oppose the Innsbruck Farms subdivision development as currently proposed (https://knoxmpc.org/cases/3-SB-21-C). Our concerns are primarily related to traffic & safety, road infrastructure, schools & public services, environmental impacts, long-term risks of the project's viability, and lack of alignment with the MPC's own East Knox County Community Plan (https://archive.knoxmpc.org/plans/smallarea/east_county_2017.pdf)

As such, we urge the Knox County Planning Commission (MPC) to postpone the March 11th vote and allow further dialogue and collaboration with the developer/builder. This would also provide more time to evaluate and research all facets of the proposed plan (in conjunction with MPC).

There is no doubt that this development has the potential to significantly alter the character, essence, and livelihood of our community. As has been clear in recent meetings and discussions, concerned residents are NOT opposed to a new neighborhood in our community. However, we ARE concerned about the massive scale and size of the project, as well as the inevitable changes and harmful impacts that will last for years to come. We firmly believe that certain modifications could vastly improve the scope and impact. Moreover, additional time would allow us to work toward a "win/win" outcome that will be beneficial and advantageous for all involved.

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