Demand Coca-Cola stop and abstain from using high fructose corn syrup in all their products!

We are asking Coca-Cola Company to stop and abstain from using high fructose corn syrup in all of their products in light of health dangers to the public. Coca-Cola themselves state on their own website that, “Our long-standing commitment to consumers’ well-being begins with ensuring that each and every beverage we deliver is safe, delicious and refreshing”.

High fructose corn syrup can lead to diabetes, obesity and other chronic diseases. The body cannot digest high fructose corn syrup as it does with cane sugar. Therefore, it is the major cause of liver damage in this country and causes a condition called “fatty liver” which affects 70 million people. It also causes metabolic disturbances such as spikes in insulin–our body’s major fat storage hormone. Both these features increase appetite, weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, dementia, and more. Mercury is also added in the manufacturing of high fructose corn syrup which may be inadvertently not listed in the ingredient since it is not a direct additive.

We are asking that the Coca-Cola Company show us their commitment for our well-being and truly be an industry leader and make the change to stop using high fructose corn syrup in all their products to show they care.

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