END DUI blast from the past NOW!

  • af: Alma Gomez
  • mottagare: Department of Motor Vehicle/DMV

I'm being forced to have an Interlock device that monitors alcohol content and prevent anyone from drinking and driving due to an incident that happened to me 11 years ago in which I did time in jail and dealt with my consequences at that time but now I was given an opportunity to finally own a car after 11 years and according to the DMV I need to pay for an interlock device for one year but my car broke down and im only given 90 days to report my device at the shop to have it recalibrated , my car is not in working conditions and its costing me money for a none working car as it is and now a towing fee ....I cannot predict the future and I hate living in my past and now I'm needing to pay for my past again is not fair. Making me suffer all over again because of something that was done in the past and re-live it all over again isn't right or fair , I believe life is about moving forward to a better future not moving backwards to punish us for our past errors that were dealt with already and I paid for too. Having to go through this process for something that happened in  my past it's a waste of time,money and a crime of control.

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