Please Shut Down the Yulin Dog Meat Festival in GuangXi China

The fight is on to stop an annual Chinese event which is expected to involve the slaughter of more than 10,000 dogs, some of whom are burned or boiled alive.

The Yulin Dog Meat Festival, in Guangxi province, is a celebration of the June solstice in which thousands of dogs are traded, killed and then eaten in the home or on the street.

Dogs and cats - some with pet collars still around their necks - are swiped from around the country and transported to Yulin in the lead up to the festival. Close to 500,000 pounds of dog meat is consumed.

We are writing you to request that the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region government must cancel the “Dog Meat Festival” that is held on June 22 in Yulin. As foreigners who have great respect for the Chinese people and Chinese civilization, We are saddened to learn that the Yulin “Dog Meat Festival” still exists in a modern civilized society. We believe that this event has no place in the 21st century. We adamantly voice our strong opposition to this barbaric “festival”

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