Disband the UN

Russia continues its aggression against Ukraine. Russian Troops invaded Ukraine and are killing innocent people. This massacre continues nearly half a year and ascalates every day.
America ,Great Britain and Russia promised Ukraine territorial sovereignty in Ukraine disarmed itself from Nuclear Weapons. All of these countries broke their responsibilities.
Ukraine is not member of NATO, so NATO may stay calm and say a lot of things without doing any real help to Ukraine because Ukraine it's not a member of NATO. Well fuck NATO. Let it stay doing nothing until Russia reaches NATO countries, let's see what will NATO do then.
SO... The only instrument in this world to stop Putin probably was UN. But UN did nothing. Everyone knows that Russia invaded Ukraine but UN does nothing. So let's disband this organization, because it does not do a thing.
While people are dying, here in UN representatives of different countries are just saying bla bla bla, nearly half a year passed. And no help at all. Why do world needs such cowards? for what ? There was earlier league of Nations now UN. result ? Hitler invaded half of the world. Now Putin started it's own game. So let's not waste our time on this stupid UN summits, let's disband this organization because it cannot handle the situation.

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