Copenhagen Zoo should keep up the good work in educating the public in how the real world functions.

  • af: R.B
  • mottagare: Copenhagen Zoo

This is to show Copenhagen Zoo that what they are doing is not wrong, but actually a necessary evil.

There has been nothing but negative feedback to the zoo as of late, and i for one would rather give them a pat on the back for the good work they are doing in educating the visitors of the real world, by letting bystanders participate passively in orthopsys and other events that shape and molds the real world. Educating younger generations of the wonders of nature and the creatures in it. Who would of thunk, that a Giraffe actually doesnt have a long neck, but rather just big vertebras?

People need to have some faith in professionals that know what they are doing.

By signing this, you acknowledge that there will always be a need to cull an animal population/herd in any zoo around the world, either to prevent inbreeding, where parents and young breed, or to prevent prolonged stress to an animal for being in, for example, a too small enclosure, or to prevent harm from, for example, a young lion challenging a more mature lion.

This petiton is to, hopefully, show Copenhagen Zoo and their administration, that nothing should change.

Dear whomever it concerns.

Please keep up the good work in educating the public about animal welfare, and how the real world functions.

Please do not change your approach to culling the animal population where needed.

Please do not change your open orthopsys, if anything, help even more in teaching the public about natural selection, and generally the nature.

And most importantly of all; please keep Bengt Holst, and give him a raise.

Opdater #110 år siden
In case anyone has missed it, there is a great interview with Bengt Holst (Chief in Copenhagen Zoo) that you really should watch.

He sums the whole case up nicely.
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