Save Rotana's store from closing ! Jeddah, Al Tahlia Street.

Rotana has two stores in Jeddah.. One has already closed and the other one in Al Tahlia will be closing by the end of this month because of a clothes company that wants to buy the buildings of both stores !

And as everyone knows, there's only two stores in Jeddah that sells original DVD's and Blurays, which are Virgin MegaStore and Rotana stores... And to be honest, Rotana has lots more than Virign... Everyone used to come to this lovely place to buy the movies they want, because Jeddah is one of the few cities in the Middle East that it's people likes to buy original movies instead of downloading them for free, whenever a movie comes out it will be sold out in no time, so I don't get the point of closing the store !

Whenever we don't find a place to go we go to Rotana, because we have knew it for a long time and LOVED it!

So please re-think of that decision because you'll lose a LOT !!


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