Tell President Obama Not to Support Dog Fighters

In an article posted in Yahoo Sports , President Obama congratulated the owner of the Philadelphia Eagles for signing convicted dogfighter Michael Vick.  It seems as though people forget about all the horrible things Vick did to his own dogs, and to this day Vick has never shown remorse about the dogs that he murdered.  President Obama is a dog owner, and one would hope that he would take that into consideration before making such statements.  Vick even said himself that he'd still be fighting (murdering) dogs if he hadn't gotten caught.  The president should think twice before lavishing praise on people who are unworthy of such praise. 
We the undersigned were deeply confused and angry by your recent praise of Eagles' owner Jeffrey Lurie for signing Michael Vick and giving him a second chance.  Michael Vick has never shown remorse for the dogs he abused and killed, and Vick himself said that he'd still be fighting dogs if he hadn't gotten caught.  As a dog owner yourself, the undersigned believe that you truly love your dog.  That's why it is so confounding to see you praise an individual for giving a convicted dog killer the opportunity to become a role model to our youth - a man who hasn't shown remorse and who would still be fighting (murdering) dogs if he hadn't gotten caught.  Please think about all those dogs that Vick tortured and murdered, and those dogs that are still trying to psychologically heal from his abuse.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.
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