Opposition to Opioid Addiction Treatment Facility on Rupp Drive

Park Center and the City of Fort Wayne are proposing an opioid treatment facility be moved into the currently vacant "Verizon Building" located on Rupp Drive in Fort Wayne adjacent to Don Hall's Triangle Park and across from IPFW's main student housing. Here's what we know...

This location would house around 100 convicted felons ordered to attend treatment in lieu of prison. This is being sold as a "choice" for those that would attend this facility

This facility will NOT be a locked facility, with only 2 full time security guards on staff. Participants in this treatment program have the ability to come and go and can decide to vacate the program, even if under court order. Only those under supervision of community corrections would be "collected" upon leaving the program (about 1/3 the population.)

This facility will be the first of its kind in Northeast Indiana. This is PILOT program never undertaken by the facilitators of the center

This location is literally in the heart of a residential area with many thousands of homes in the immediate area. Thousands of children attend the 9 local schools nearby.

The state of Indiana and the City of Fort Wayne are contributing around 3 million collectively towards this effort. There are powerful people in town in support of this (nearly NONE that live anywhere near this project.) Please consider signing this petition and letting City Council know this location does NOT make sense for a center of this kind!

Russ Jehl (260) 255-4580 russ@russjehl.com
Michael Barranda (260) 426-1300 michaelbarranda@gmail.com
Dr John Crawford (260) 433-0295 jncrawfordmd@gmail.com
Tom Freistroffer (260) 704-4229 freistrofferatlarge@gmail.com
Paul Ensley (260) 255-5176 paul@paulensley.com
Tom Didier (260) 489-4559 tdidiers5@frontier.com
Jason Arp (260) 210-0310 jasonarpcitycouncil@gmail.com
Geoff Paddack (260) 432-5700 geoffreypaddock@aol.com
Glynn Hines (260) 447-7144 glynnhines@aol.com
Opdater #27 år siden
It has come to our attention that the recent website we established has come under scrutiny for some of the language around our mission and who we represent. We did not intend to offend anyone living in the '05 and surrounding areas. We are simply trying to present the facts as they have been presented to us.

We will consider relaunching the site with updated language at another time. We do not wish for that to distract away from this important issue.
Opdater #17 år siden
Thank you for signing this petition! In just a short time, we've gathered over 150 signatures from concerned citizens such as yourself. This is a HUGE step forward in putting legitimacy towards our efforts. We can't do it without your help.

Please continue to call your state and local representatives. We have established a website where you can subscribe to alerts and also get more information. The link is www.the05brigade.org

Please keep sharing!!
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