Investigate Torture And Burial of Numerous Animals in Texas

  • af: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: San Antonio Police Officials

Please sign and share this petition in an effort to ask authorities in the San Antonio area to do a full investigation on the torture and burial of several dead animals on the side of a road in Wilson County. This is a remote, unpatrolled area where some monster appears to get great pleasure in beating, mutilating, torturing and dumping animals, now on a regular basis. This person(s) needs to be stopped and harshly prosecuted.

It has recently been brought to the attention of authorities and others that several animals have been discovered dead and dumped along the side of a country road in Wilson County in San Antonio. Someone is making it a regular practice to torture animals and just dump them like yesterday's trash!! It just so happens that this particular area is one that is not frequented; very dark and desolate.

The area is known as skull crossing and one of the advocates is noted as saying "I found a bag of baby goats over here. Dead puppies over there. Dead calves down the way. You name it." She also states that nearly every week she finds about 20 animals in similar conditions; some barely alive and most dead. It is a very sad, disturbing reality. Even while being interviewed, Ms. Bryan stumbled on yet another sad discovery; a poor dead dog tied up in power cords! "He was laying over there on the side of the road and he had cables, wrapped tightly around his neck and also around his muzzle. He suffocated."

There is some type of sick individual(s) out there who has a strong dislike for animals and thinks it is acceptable to torture and murder them, tossing them out on a desolate road like a piece of trash. We need to encourage the authorities to discretely place some cameras along those roads, along with some lights and no trespassing signs that would put an end to this torturous behavior. Whoever is responsible needs to be caught and be held accountable, severely, in much the same manner as these poor innocent animals had to endure. Please sign and share this petition on all possible media sites everywhere in an effort to capture this beast and put an end to the killing spree. Let's be a voice for all of those animals who never stood and chance and gain justice for them!!

San Antonio Police Officials - You have got to investigate this huge killing spree of animals that are occurring in Wilson County. This is such a horrific situation and you don't want to give any of your thought or energies just because it is "only animals" lives involved? If this person(s) is capable of this without being heard or seen, it most definitely could escalate to humans in danger as well. This has got to be some type of monster who thinks nothing of torturing, mutilating and killing animals then just tossing them on a desolate road like a piece of trash. Until the responsible people are found, you need to implement some discreet cameras and lights all along that road until you get some type of clues. Investigate tires tracks, foot prints and other clues that you would with a human crime and don't stop until you find out who could do such a thing. Eventually, you need to put more lights down those roads and put up no trespassing signs! Be a voice for these animals that lost their lives to a monster (or more) and gain justice for them! Whoever is responsible needs to be put away for an extremely long period of time; he/she is a danger to society!!!!!!!!!

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